In this blog and the next, I will stick to the Triple Warmer meridian.
After writing about Triple Warmer 12 (TW-12) in my previous blog, I will now write about Triple Warmer 17 (TW-17). A great press acupuncture point that can be used to free yourself from a hold around the neck standing up or laying on the ground. There are more applications, I will write about those in future blogs.
There are 3 ways to manipulate this point:
How do you attack TW-17?
After writing about Triple Warmer 12 (TW-12) in my previous blog, I will now write about Triple Warmer 17 (TW-17). A great press acupuncture point that can be used to free yourself from a hold around the neck standing up or laying on the ground. There are more applications, I will write about those in future blogs.
There are 3 ways to manipulate this point:
- About 30 years ago I first heard about TW-17. I was told that TW-17 is located in the hollow under the ear. At that time we just pressed in that hollow. This is great for practicing.
- Shihan Jan the Jong taught us that it is better to press 45° to the middle of the head. Indeed, this was a lot more effective; especially when you wanted someone from the ground to stand up (use middle finger on both ears).
- Over the years we found out that TW-17 is lower than the hollow, under de bone; You can hit it 45° to the front (tip of the nose) or press it 45° to the middle of the head.
How do you attack TW-17?
Press point:
With the middle finger: Press on TW-17: when the hand is coming from behind the head; or hook (grab) with the fingers behind TW-17 when you are standing in front of the opponent.
With the thumb: Sometimes it might be easier to press with the thumb when the hand is coming from behind (metal on wood, because of the connection (meeting point) with gallbladder).
With the thumb: Sometimes it might be easier to press with the thumb when the hand is coming from behind (metal on wood, because of the connection (meeting point) with gallbladder).
Hit point:
You can use a Tsuki (with the knuckle of your middle finger) or Tettsui (with the knuckle at the end of your pink finger). You can also use all knuckles of your fingers and knock toward you (especially with the middle finger). Please, please, please be very careful with TW-17 as a hit point !!!
Background information:
Triple Warmer 17 (TW-17:
The acupuncture point Triple Warmer 17 (TW-17) is located under the ear at the bottom of the bone.
Finding TW-17:
Go with you finger down from the ear, you will find a bone. Press against the bottom of that bone.
TW-17 is connected to the greater auricular nerve. It is located where the nerve splits. It comes from the cervical plexus from the branches of the spinal nerves C2 and C3.
You press or hit TW-17 below the ear, up against the bone 45° towards the mouth or middle of the head.
You can use press point TW-17 to free yourself, to position the opponent or in a take-down. You can use hit point TW-17 to cause confusion in the head.
TW-17 is close to ST-6 (agains the jaw), this might dislocate the jaw of your partner, Be very careful with these hit points!
This meridian contains 23 fire points.
The route of the Triple Warmer meridian is quite a journey with a lot of interesting points:
TW-17 is close to ST-6 (agains the jaw), this might dislocate the jaw of your partner, Be very careful with these hit points!
The Triple Warmer meridian:
The route of the Triple Warmer meridian is quite a journey with a lot of interesting points:
- The meridian starts with TW-1 at the top of the ring finger
- It runs up from the wrist, between the Ulna and Radial where you find Triple V (TW-6, TW-7 and TW-8) up to the elbow
- Then it proceeds its way via the outside/back (Yang side) of the upper arm where you find TW-11 and TW-12 to the shoulder
- From the back of the supraclavicular fossa it takes an internal detour via the diaphragm to the abdomen. Then it goes back up the supraclavicular fossa in the front
- It goes to the neck; from there it goes to the hollow under the ear TW-17
- the meridian goes around the back of the ear to the front of the ear (to the level of the eye. There he makes a little internal detour up to the front of the head to connect with Gallbladder
- The last point TW-23 is on the outside of the eye.

I hope you found this blog interesting, next time we will show how you can use Triple Warmer 11 (TW-11).
We cannot be held responsible for injuries
caused by practicing the techniques shown in the videos!
So, be very careful when practicing the techniques!
Respect the danger of locks and pressure points.
Only practice these techniques with
an authorized teacher or school (despite of the martial art)