Today, with Lung 5 (LU-5) and Lung 6 (LU-6), we have introduced the most important pressure points on the Yin side of the lower arm. Today we will combine LU-5 and LU-6 with CV-22 and TW-17, we start combining pressure points in our reflexes. So let's get on with it!
How do you attack LU-5 / LU-6?
You attack both points with a relaxed hand or arm; drive your arm (knuckle at the wrist or at the end of your pinky) in the point through the arm; at the same time you twist your arm towards the hand.
Pericard 6 or LU-6?
In our previous blog we showed how to attack Pericard 6. The danger with that point is that with a short hook punch, the attackers' arm can pass your hand and hit your face anyway. There is less danger with LU-6. This is because of the fact that LU-6 is closer to the armpit, which actually stops the arm. Pericard 6 does not stop the arm, but opens the hand.
Against weapons:
In our video we show a defense against a knife too. Please note that you train on having the back of
your arm towards the arm of the attacker. This way, he cannot cut your vital blood vessels!
We show a reflex right on the first attack. Normally, we would not do that, but parry the first attack, and use the reflexes and techniques after the 2nd or 3rd attack. These attacks are more predictable.
In our video, we show defenses against hook punches, attack to the clothes high and knife attacks.
Please note!
Many fighters are well trained on the arm and are less sensitive to LU-6 (like my husband in the video's). You sometimes do not get the reaction that you expect or hoop for, so always be ready for a follow up technique or next attack!
Background information:
Lung 6 (LU-6) and Lung 5 (LU-5):
The fire point LU-6 lies in the middle of the lower arm between the muscles on the thumb side.
LU-5 is located higher on the arm towards the armpit; a little before where the arm bends.
How do I find it?
When you slide with your thumb from the wrist to middle of the arm; about halfway, between the muscles you will feel a hollow. When you press with the thumb in that hollow towards the hand, you will feel LU-6.
Stretch your arm. Press just behind the fold (on the underarm) If you press on LU-5, the arm will bend a little.
LU-5 and LU-6 are connected to the radial nerve and therefore connected to C5-C8 and Th-1 in the spinal cord.
You hit or press LU-5 and LU-6 in and towards the hand.
The brain will think that there is something wrong with the arm. As both points are located closer to the armpit, the arm will be stopped, the elbow will release (bend).
The Lung meridian:
The Lung meridian contains 11 metal points.
On the surface the Lung meridian goes from the shoulder via the inside of the arm to the thumb, which makes it a Yin meridian:
- The route of the Lung meridian goes from the shoulder via the inside of the arm to the thumb, which makes it a Yin meridian:
- The Lung meridian starts internally at the middle burner; it runs down to connect with Large Intestine.
- Then it goes up to the stomach; it passes the diaphragm and enters the lung.
- From the lung, it goes up to the throat.
- It then it comes to the surface in a hollow in the shoulder (LU-1).
- The Lung meridian follows its way from the shoulder, via the inside of the arm, along the medial nerve down to the thumb (LU-11).

There is a lot more information about meridians, like times, sounds, colors, etc. It is interesting but also a complete study. In my blog, for now I will stick to what I can use and what works in our Martial art.
I hope you found this blog interesting next blog we go back to Conception 22 was a pressure point. In that blog we show techniques to control the opponent or to take him down. Until next time.
We cannot be held responsible for injuries
cause by practicing the techniques shown in the video's!
Respect the danger of locks and pressure points
and be very careful when practicing the techniques
Practice these techniques only with an certified teacher
or school (despite of the martial art)