June 26, 2017

13. Kihon AIKO Ashihara Camp 2017

This weekend, we tought Yawara Ju-Jutsu at the Kihon AIKO Ashihara Summer Camp 2017. An international Camp with 110 Ashihara Karateka's, held in the Netherlands. We provided 3 lessons. As pressure points are used a lot in Yawara Ju-Jutsu, this seminar was full of techniques with pressure points. Ashihara Karate does not contain pressure points, so we kept the techniques and pressure points rather simple. Here is the compilation:

The pressure points that we used were:
Prick to the eyes
This is a great way to stop an attack. You just concentrate on pricking the eyes, the opponent will move back; the punch will loose impact

The nose:
Pressing the nose is extremely painful. You do this with the knife hand. You slide and press from the top of the nose downwards

H-2 / P-2 on the arm:
Also a great way to stop or numb the arm!

ST-4 on the chin:
Great pressure point to turn the head.

LI-20 or ST-3 at the side of the nose:
When you grab the nose, you hold LI-20. A little further from the nostril, you find ST-3, this even hurts more.

CV-24 between the clavicles
A great point to stop an attack, to control the opponent or to take him down (like in this video)

ST-11 and ST-12 on the clavicles
Great point to hurt the opponent and take him down.

LU-6 or P-6
We use these points to stop or control the arm.

I hope you liked the video in todays blog. It is a different from the other blogs, but we figured that you might like this too. Next time I will write about Heart-2 (H-2).

We cannot be held responsible for injuries
caused by practicing the techniques shown in the videos!
So, be very careful when practicing the techniques!
Respect the danger of locks and pressure points.
Only practice these techniques with
an authorized teacher or school (despite of the martial art)

June 23, 2017

12. Control or take-down with CV-22

Today we will combine pressure points P-6 or LU-6 and Conception Vessel 22 (CV-22). Pressure points and meridians about which we wrote in more detail in our previous blogs.

In this blog, we write about how to use Conception Vessel (CV-22) in a take-down or control technique. If you press CV-22 in and down, the knees will buckle; the body wants to escape.

In the video we show a reflex on a Mawashi Tsuki and move on to a control techniques and take-down with CV-22.

Further explanatoin: 

  • If the attacker uses the arm and the foot at the same side, you can take him down with CV-22.
  • If the attacker makes a cross attack (a Jodan Tsuki), then it is not possible, as the weight of the attacker, will still be on the leg. You will be able to go for the eyes.
  • The defender only turns his body and lift his right arm (not to many steps)
  • The defender steps in with his right leg, to protect his own body
  • The defender can easily make a Irimi Senkai, to go to the back
  • Most important is that the defender will stand strong behind the attacker:
    • With the body weight of the attacker agaist his shoulder
    • With the rear leg almost straight and strong
    • With the back straight and strong !!!!
  • When you are standing strong, holding the opponent is easy, you will feel no pain or stress in your body.

Tripple V:
I wrote about Triple V a couple of times now. Triple V is a cluster of 3 Triple Warmer points on the Yang side of the under arm. 

The 3 Triple V points are TW-6, TW-7 and TW-8.

When you attack with Triple V, you align the ulna and radial bones, which will make your arm stronger. It is a fire meridian; which is especially strong against the Lung or Large Intestine meridians.

I hope you found this blog interesting, next time we will write about our Seminar this weekend at the Kihon AIKO Ashihara Summer Camp 2017. We will show a variety of basic pressure points. After that, we will continue with techniques with pressure point Heart 2 (H-2)

We cannot be held responsible for injuries 
cause by practicing the techniques shown in the video's!
Respect the danger of locks and pressure points 
and be very careful when practicing the techniques
Practice these techniques only with an certified teacher
or school (despite of the martial art)

June 21, 2017

11. Lung 5 and 6 (LU-5 / LU-6)

Today, with Lung 5 (LU-5) and Lung 6 (LU-6), we have introduced the most important pressure points on the Yin side of the lower arm. Today we will combine LU-5 and LU-6 with CV-22 and TW-17, we start combining pressure points in our reflexes. So let's get on with it!

How do you attack LU-5 / LU-6?
You attack both points with a relaxed hand or arm; drive your arm (knuckle at the wrist or at the end of your pinky) in the point through the arm; at the same time you twist your arm towards the hand.

Pericard 6 or LU-6?
In our previous blog we showed how to attack Pericard 6. The danger with that point is that with a short hook punch, the attackers' arm can pass your hand and hit your face anyway. There is less danger with LU-6. This is because of the fact that LU-6 is closer to the armpit, which actually stops the arm. Pericard 6 does not stop the arm, but opens the hand.

Against weapons:
In our video we show a defense against a knife too. Please note that you train on having the back of
your arm towards the arm of the attacker. This way, he cannot cut your vital blood vessels!
We show a reflex right on the first attack. Normally, we would not do that, but parry the first attack, and use the reflexes and techniques after the 2nd or 3rd attack. These attacks are more predictable.
In our video, we show defenses against hook punches, attack to the clothes high and knife attacks.

Please note!
Many fighters are well trained on the arm and are less sensitive to LU-6 (like my husband in the video's). You sometimes do not get the reaction that you expect or hoop for, so always be ready for a follow up technique or next attack!

Background information:

Lung 6 (LU-6) and Lung 5 (LU-5):
The fire point LU-6 lies in the middle of the lower arm between the muscles on the thumb side. 
LU-5 is located higher on the arm towards the armpit; a little before where the arm bends. 

How do I find it?
When you slide with your thumb from the wrist to middle of the arm; about halfway, between the muscles you will feel a hollow. When you press with the thumb in that hollow towards the hand, you will feel LU-6. 
Stretch your arm. Press just behind the fold (on the underarm) If you press on LU-5, the arm will bend a little.

LU-5 and LU-6 are connected to the radial nerve and therefore connected to C5-C8 and Th-1 in the spinal cord.

You hit or press LU-5 and LU-6 in and towards the hand.

The brain will think that there is something wrong with the arm. As both points are located closer to the armpit, the arm will be stopped, the elbow will release (bend).

The Lung meridian:

The Lung meridian contains 11 metal points. 
On the surface the Lung meridian goes from the shoulder via the inside of the arm to the thumb, which makes it a Yin meridian:
  • The route of the Lung meridian goes from the shoulder via the inside of the arm to the thumb, which makes it a Yin meridian: 
  • The Lung meridian starts internally at the middle burner; it runs down to connect with Large Intestine. 
  • Then it goes up to the stomach; it passes the diaphragm and enters the lung. 
  • From the lung, it goes up to the throat. 
  • It then it comes to the surface in a hollow in the shoulder (LU-1). 
  • The Lung meridian follows its way from the shoulder, via the inside of the arm, along the medial nerve down to the thumb (LU-11). 
There is a lot more information about meridians, like times, sounds, colors, etc. It is interesting but also a complete study. In my blog, for now I will stick to what I can use and what works in our Martial art.

I hope you found this blog interesting next blog we go back to Conception 22 was a pressure point. In that blog we show techniques to control the opponent or to take him down. Until next time.

We cannot be held responsible for injuries 
cause by practicing the techniques shown in the video's!
Respect the danger of locks and pressure points 
and be very careful when practicing the techniques
Practice these techniques only with an certified teacher
or school (despite of the martial art)

June 19, 2017

10. Pericardium 6 (P-6)

We are moving towards interesting locks and take-downs. But there are a couple of pressure points that we use in our reflexes that I want to write about and show first.

Today I go back to the wrist. We already looked at Lung 8 (LU-8) and Heart 6 (H-6). In this blog I write about the point right in the middel of these two points, called Pericard 6 (P-6). This is a press- and hit point. I have seen people grab the point and steer the arm around. I however do not see how you can use this in a fight, so I will not describe this option. I use this point a lot as a hit point.

How do you attack P-6?
You have already seen me using P-6 in previous video's. There are various ways to use P-6:
From a grab on your clothes low
Hit P-6 with the knuckles of your middle finger of your fist (Yang on Yin).

From a grab on your clothes high:
Use Mae Mawashi Uke: hit P-6 with the knuckle on the pinky side of you wrist.

Against a (hook) punch:
Hit P-6 with the knuckle on the pinky side of your wrist (by using Mawashi Uke).

In this video we show these 3 reflexes and a combination with TW-12 and TW-17 (or other neck-points)

Watch out!
Be aware, with a straight punch and a wide hook punch, you can use this point perfectly. But if the attacker comes in with a very short hook punch, you might miss the arm. The fist of your opponent could end up in your face! In that case you would go for LU-6 or LI-6 a little futher up the arm.

Background information:

More information about Pericard 6 (P-6):
The fire point P-6 is located in the middle between LU-8 and H-6 on the Yin side of the arm.

How do I find it?
Slide with your thumb from the middle of the palm of the hand to the arm. You feel a little bump, after that a hollow, when you press with the thumb in that hollow towards the hand, you will experience a strange feeling. You might feel a tinkel in the middle finger. This is Pericard 6 (P-6).

P-6 is connected to the medial nerve and therefore connected to C5-C8 and Th-1 in the spinal cord.

You hit or press P-6 in and towards the hand.

The brain will think that there is something wrong with the arm. As P-6 is located close to the hand, it will open the hand (great against a grappling attack).

The Pericard meridian:
The Pericard meridian contains 9 fire points.
The Pericard meridian flows from the axilla via the inside of the arm to the fingers; which makes it a Yin meridian. This is the complete route: 
  • The meridian starts from the chest and goes via the pericardium internally through the diaphragm. It then goes to the abdomen and connects with the upper, middle and lower burners) 
  • From the center of the chest, the meridian goes to the nipple, it comes (P-1) to the surface next to the nipple (at the side of the arm) 
  • From there it goes via to the axilla, down on the arm via the medial nerves down to the middle finger (P-9).
There is a lot more information about meridians, like times, sounds, colors, etc. It is interesting but also a complete study. In my blog, for now I will stick to what I can use and what works in our Martial art.

I hope you found this blog interesting we go back to Conception 22. In that blog we write about CV-22 as a pressure point to control the opponent or to take him down.

We cannot be held responsible for injuries 
cause by practicing the techniques shown in the video's!
Respect the danger of locks and pressure points 
and be very careful when practicing the techniques
Practice these techniques only with an certified teacher
or school (despite of the martial art)

June 16, 2017

9. What is a pressure point?

In our previous blogs you have seen various pressure points. Today we summarize them and answer 2 questions "what is a pressure point" and "What are pressure points used for in the martial arts?"

What is a pressure point?
Pressure points are spots on the nerves that are sensitive. Look at it is as "holes" in the nerves where the Chi circulation can be influenced (like in acupuncture). Most of the time, you will find pressure points in a "hollow":
  • Where a nerve begins or ends 
  • Where nerves cross each other (like an X) 
  • Where nerves split (like a Y) 
If you hit a point right on the spot, next will happen:
  • A sensory (pain) signal directly goes via the nervous system and spinal cord to the brain. 
  • This causes the brain to make endorphine (the fighting hormone!) and it sends a motoric signal to body to protect the body.
Please note: a pressure point does not always have to hurt to have the desired effect

How big is a pressure point?
One pressure point has the size of about a coin. Multiple pressure points in one area will create a bigger surface to attack.
What are pressure points used for?
An acupuncturist uses these points to heal people by balancing the meridians; they provide the right energy in the meridians via the acupuncture points.

In the martial arts, we aim on using these points to stop or speed up the energy flow in the meridians. As said above, the signal finds its way to the brain. It will send a signal to the body, to protect the body part that was attacked. This can give several reactions, like:
  • Opening the hand 
  • Bend an arm 
  • Buckle the knees 
  • Turn the head away 
  • Shut the body down 
  • etc.
What are pressure points used for in the martial arts?
Acupuncture points can be used in general to weaken or defeat the opponent. Here are a couple of examples of where we use pressure points for in our martial art - Yawara Ju-Jutsu:
  • Stop off an attack 
  • Unbalance the attacker 
  • Position the attacker (to continue with other techniques) 
  • Free yourself out of a grip or bear hug attack. 
  • Use them in a take-down 
  • To control the opponent 
Here is a video with examples of the effect of a pressure points. It is a compilation of previous videos with two bonuses.
In our future blogs, I will tell you a lot more about the pressure points we use in our martial art. We will first introduce a couple more points, and then we will combine them in locks, take-downs, etc. In our next blog, we will go back to the wrist to Pericardium 6 (P-6).

We cannot be held responsible for injuries 
cause by practicing the techniques shown in the video's!
Respect the danger of locks and pressure points 
and be very careful when practicing the techniques
Practice these techniques only with an certified teacher
or school (despite of the martial art)

June 14, 2017

8. Conception 22 (CV-22)

Hi there! Last time, I wrote about Triple Warmer 11 (TW-11) and how to combine this point with TW-12 and TW-17.  Today I am going to write about a pressure point that we use a lot! I am going to tell about the cough point Conception Vessel 22 (CV-22) as a hit point. Why do we call it a cough point? You will find out when you are going to practice this point. 

Conception Vessel 22 (CV-22) is both a press- and hit point. It is not a very dangerous point, but very effective. 

How do we attack the hit point CV-22?
We will hit CV-22 with the tip of the fingers or with the knuckles of the fingers. I prefer the fingers, because of the longer reach I get and I can choose to either go through the point (hit) or in the point (press down). You might find using the knuckles of the fingers more effective.
It is important to step in with the same leg as the arm that attacks CV-22; This way, the reach is even further and the impact more powerful.

In this video we will show how you can use CV-22 as a hit point to stop the attacker or to free yourself from a grappling hold (standing). In another blog in future, I will write about CV-22 as control or take-down pressure point.

Background information:

Conception Vessel 22 (CV-22)
The acupuncture point Conception Vessel 22 (CV-22) is located in the hollow in the throat between the clavicles.

Finding the point:
Press with your fingers in the hollow under the Adam's apple and between the clavicles. You will get a little nauseous feeling.

You enter this point in and through; towards the neck. Or press it in and down, towards the back.


When you use it as a hit point, the opponent will be stopped and he will move backwards. When you use it as a press point, his knees will buckle.
This point has an effect on the Lungs. You will start coughing. In acupuncture CV-22 is for example used in acupuncture against acute and chronic cough and asthma.

The Conception Vessel
This Vessel contains 24 Yin points. it is also called Ren-Mai or Directing Vessel.
The route of the Conception Vessel is:
  • It originates internally from the uterus. 
  • It appears on the surface at the perineum (CV-1). 
  • Via many interesting points it runs through the middle in front of the body to the chin (CV-24). 
  • From CO-24, it makes an internal detour around the mouth and to the eyes.
I hope you found this blog interesting, next time we will wrap up the introduction part by explaining what a pressure point is and does for us in Yawara Ju-Jutsu and what it can do for you in any martial art that you are practicing.

We cannot be held responsible for injuries
caused by practicing the techniques shown in the videos!
So, be very careful when practicing the techniques!
Respect the danger of locks and pressure points.
Only practice these techniques with
an authorized teacher or school (despite of the martial art)

June 12, 2017

7. Triple Warmer 11 (TW-11)

In previous blogs, I wrote about hit point Triple Warmer 12 (TW-12) and Triple Warmer 17 (TW-17). Triple Warmer 12 (TW-12) can unbalance and position the opponent. With Triple Warmer 17, you can release yourself. This is great for follow up moves with pressure point Triple Warmer 11 (TW-11).

Triple Warmer 11 (TW-11) is a rub point that can help you force the opponent to the ground. TW-11 works best when you lift the wrist, rub TW-11 and step backwards at the same time. Please note: don't just rub the point on the surface, but through the arm, down to the ground!

How do we attack TW-11?
We attack TW-11 eighter with the knuckles of our fist or with the little knuckle on the wrist (Pinky side).

In this video, we show 3 examples of situations in which you can use TW11

Background information:

More information about Triple Warmer 11 (TW-11):
TW-11 is located just above the elbow.

TW-11 is connected to the median nerve. The median nerve is connected to the cervical vertebrae C5 - C8 and thoracic vertebra T1 in the spinal cord.

How do I find it?
Place your hand palm on Uke's elbow and make a fist; your knuckles point at TW-11 now.

You rub TW-11 up and down, towards the elbow. You can also hit TW-11.

The brain will think that there is a problem with the tendon and nerves connected to the elbow. As a result the brain will immediately relax the shoulder and elbow.

The triple Warmer meridian:
This meridian contains 23 fire points.

The route of the Triple Warmer meridian is quite a journey with a lot of interesting points:
  • The meridian starts with TW-1 at the top of the ring finger. 
  • It runs up from the wrist, between the Ulna and Radial where you find Triple V (TW-6, TW-7 and TW-8) up to the elbow. 
  • Then it proceeds its way via the outside/back (Yang side) of the upper arm where you find TW-11 and TW-12 to the shoulder. 
  • From the back of the supraclavicular fossa it takes an internal detour via the diaphragm to the abdomen. Then it goes back up the supraclavicular fossa in the front. 
  • It goes to the neck; from there it goes to the hollow under the ear TW-17. 
  • the meridian goes around the back of the ear to the front of the ear (to the level of the eye. There he makes a little internal detour up to the front of the head to connect with Gallbladder 
  • The last point TW-23 is on the outside of the eye. 
There is a lot more information about meridians, like times, sounds, colors, etc. It is interesting and probably effective too. In my blog, for now I will stick to what I can use and what works in our Martial art.

I hope you found this blog interesting, next time we will show how you can use Conception Vessel 22 (CV-22) as a hit point.

We cannot be held responsible for injuries
caused by practicing the techniques shown in the videos!
So, be very careful when practicing the techniques!
Respect the danger of locks and pressure points.
Only practice these techniques with
an authorized teacher or school (despite of the martial art)

June 09, 2017

6. Trippel Warmer 17 (TW-17)

In this blog and the next, I will stick to the Triple Warmer meridian.

After writing about Triple Warmer 12 (TW-12) in my previous blog, I will now write about Triple Warmer 17 (TW-17). A great press acupuncture point that can be used to free yourself from a hold around the neck standing up or laying on the ground. There are more applications, I will write about those in future blogs.

There are 3 ways to manipulate this point:
  • About 30 years ago I first heard about TW-17. I was told that TW-17 is located in the hollow under the ear. At that time we just pressed in that hollow. This is great for practicing.
  • Shihan Jan the Jong taught us that it is better to press 45° to the middle of the head. Indeed, this was a lot more effective; especially when you wanted someone from the ground to stand up (use middle finger on both ears).
  • Over the years we found out that TW-17 is lower than the hollow, under de bone; You can hit it 45° to the front (tip of the nose) or press it 45° to the middle of the head.
I feel that it is okay to stick to pressing TW-17 up to the center of the head for starting or wreck less students.

How do you attack TW-17?
Press point:
With the middle finger: Press on TW-17: when the hand is coming from behind the head; or hook (grab) with the fingers behind TW-17 when you are standing in front of the opponent.

With the thumb: Sometimes it might be easier to press with the thumb when the hand is coming from behind (metal on wood, because of the connection (meeting point) with gallbladder).

Hit point:
You can use a Tsuki (with the knuckle of your middle finger) or Tettsui (with the knuckle at the end of your pink finger). You can also use all knuckles of your fingers and knock toward you (especially with the middle finger). Please, please, please be very careful with TW-17 as a hit point !!!  

Background information:

Triple Warmer 17 (TW-17:

The acupuncture point Triple Warmer 17 (TW-17) is located under the ear at the bottom of the bone.

Finding TW-17:
Go with you finger down from the ear, you will find a bone. Press against the bottom of that bone.

TW-17 is connected to the greater auricular nerve. It is located where the nerve splits. It comes from the cervical plexus from the branches of the spinal nerves C2 and C3.

You press or hit TW-17 below the ear, up against the bone 45° towards the mouth or middle of the head.

You can use press point TW-17 to free yourself, to position the opponent or in a take-down. You can use hit point TW-17 to cause confusion in the head.
TW-17 is close to ST-6 (agains the jaw), this might dislocate the jaw of your partner, Be very careful with these hit points!

The Triple Warmer meridian:

This meridian contains 23 fire points.
The route of the Triple Warmer meridian is quite a journey with a lot of interesting points:
  • The meridian starts with TW-1 at the top of the ring finger 
  • It runs up from the wrist, between the Ulna and Radial where you find Triple V (TW-6, TW-7 and TW-8) up to the elbow 
  • Then it proceeds its way via the outside/back (Yang side) of the upper arm where you find TW-11 and TW-12 to the shoulder 
  • From the back of the supraclavicular fossa it takes an internal detour via the diaphragm to the abdomen. Then it goes back up the supraclavicular fossa in the front 
  • It goes to the neck; from there it goes to the hollow under the ear TW-17 
  • the meridian goes around the back of the ear to the front of the ear (to the level of the eye. There he makes a little internal detour up to the front of the head to connect with Gallbladder 
  • The last point TW-23 is on the outside of the eye.
There is a lot more information about meridians, like times, sounds, colors, etc. It is interesting and probably effective too. In my blog, for now I will stick to what I can use and what works in our Martial art.

I hope you found this blog interesting, next time we will show how you can use Triple Warmer 11 (TW-11).

We cannot be held responsible for injuries
caused by practicing the techniques shown in the videos!
So, be very careful when practicing the techniques!
Respect the danger of locks and pressure points.
Only practice these techniques with
an authorized teacher or school (despite of the martial art)

June 07, 2017

5. Triple Warmer 12 (TW-12)

As you might have read in our previous blog, there are 3 kinds of acupuncture points:
  1. Rub points (like LU-8 from our previous blog)
  2. Press points (like H-6 from our previous blog)
  3. Hit points, TW-12 is a hit point
How do you attack TW-12?
I suggest attacking this point with Triple V. These are 3 Triple Warmer points 6, 7 and 8 on the under arm. When you attack with these 3 points, you align the Ulna and Radius; two bones in the forearm, which will make your arm stronger.

TW-12 is a great point to stop or unbalance the opponent with.

In this video we show two techniques with TW-12.

Background information:

Triple Warmer 12 (TW-12)
Location: The acupuncture point Triple Warmer 12 is located approximately in the middle on the back of the upper arm; in the middle of the triceps.

TW-11 is connected to the median nerve. The median nerve is connected to the cervical vertebrae C5 - C8 and thoracic vertebra T1 in the spinal cord.

Finding the point:
Slide slowly with your finger (hand under your arm) from your elbow up to your armpit. Half way up, you will feel a big hollow. When you press and rub forward and back in this point you will sense an annoying feeling. This is where the hit point Triple Warmer 12 is located. Please note, not everyone is sensitive on this point!

You strike this point against the bone; in and through

The brain will think that there is a problem with the bones in the upper arm. As a result, it will release shoulder and lock the elbow.

The Triple Warmer meridian
This meridian contains 23 fire points.

The route of the Triple warmer meridian is quite a journey with a lot of interesting points:
  • the meridian starts at the top of ring finger 
  • It runs up from the wrist, between the Ulna and Radial where you find TW-6, TW-7 and TW8 up to the elbow 
  • Then it proceeds its way via the outside/back (Yang side) of the upper arm where you find TW-11 and TW-12 to the shoulder 
  • From the back of the supraclavicular fossa at takes an internal detour via the diaphragm to the abdomen. Then it goes back up to the supraclavicular fossa in the front 
  • It goes to the neck; from there it goes to the hollow "under the ear" TW-17 
  • the meridian goes around the back of the ear to the front of the ear (to the level of the eye). There he takes a little internal detour up to the front of the head to connect with Gallbladder. 
  • the last point TW-23 is on the outside of the eye. 
There is a lot more information about meridians, like times, sounds, colors, etc. It is interesting and probably effective too. In this blog we will however stick to what we can feel and what works in our Martial art.

I hope you found this blog interesting, next time we will show how you can free yourself with Triple Warmer 17 (TW-17).

We cannot be held responsible for injuries
caused by practicing the techniques shown in the videos!
So, be very careful when practicing the techniques!
Respect the danger of locks and pressure points.
Only practice these techniques with
an authorized teacher or school (despite of the martial art)

June 05, 2017

4. How do you attack a pressure point?

That is a good question!
After writing about the importance of a good attack, it is time to talk about the various ways in which we attack an acupuncture point. Therefore you need to know 3 things about each point.

Where is the acupuncture point located?
You can find this information on acupuncture charts or all over the internet.

How do you manipulate the acupuncture point?
There a 3 ways (or a combinations of them):
  • by rubbing the point 
  • by pressing the point (with a tumb or a knuckle) 
  • by hitting the point 
What is the direction in which the point has to be manipulated?".
That varies per acupunture point.

A rub and a press point:
Lung 8 (LU-8) and Heart 6 (H-6)
In this blog we will show 2 points on the wrist. They are is called Lung 8 (LU-8) and Heart 6 (H-6). They both open the hand.
  • Lung 8 (LU-8) is a rubbing point towards the hand 
  • Heart 6 (H-6) is a press point towards the hand
Why these points? 
Firstly, because these are good points to feel the impact of a rub and press point.

Secondly, because in most cases, the arm is the first part of the body that will come to you in an attack. The opponent can attack with an Atemi; but he can also grab your wrist, clothes or even worst, the troat. For that reason I start with arm points.

Background information:

More information about Lung-8 (LU-8):
The acupuncture point Lung-8 (LU-8) is located on the tumb side of the wrist.

Where can you find it:
Slide slowly with your finger from the thumb root onto the arm. You will feel a bone. LU-8 is located right behind that bone, the rub point is located.

LU-8 is located on the radial nerve; which is connected to the spinal nerves C5, C6, C7, C8 and T1.

You rub LU-8 in and towards the hand

The brain will think that there is a problem with the arm. It therefore will release the hand.

The Lung meridian:
The Lung meridian contains 11 metal points.
It starts at the hollow in de shoulder. It runs via the inside (Yin side) of the arm to the last point, which is located next to the tumb nail.

More information about Heart-6 (H-6):
The acupuncture point Heart 6 (H-6) is located on the pink side of the wrist.

Where can you find it:
It is located on the opposite side of the wrist at the pinky side. Slide slowly with your finger from the pink root onto the arm. You will feel a bone. H-6 is located right behind that bone, this is where the press point is located.

H-6 is located on the ulnar nerve; which is connected to the spinal nerves C8 and T1.

You press H-6 with the knuckle of the thumb in and towards the hand

The brain will think that there is a problem with the arm. It therefore will release the hand.

The Heart meridian:
The Heart meridian contains 9 metal points.
It starts under the armpit. It runs via the inside (Yin side) of the arm to the last point, which is located next to the pinky nail.

I hope you found this blog interesting, next time we will show hit point Tripple Warmer 12 (TW-12).

We cannot be held responsible for injuries
caused by practicing the techniques shown in the videos!
So, be very careful when practicing the techniques!
Respect the danger of locks and pressure points.
Only practice these techniques with
an authorized teacher or school (despite of the martial art)

June 03, 2017

3. The role of the attacker

After you have seen what the reaction of a pressure point can be, I would like to talk about the crucial role of attacker. You probably did not see this coming, but it actually is a crucial subject.
The idea of using pressure points is that you would like to use as little effort as possible.

Therefore keep in mind, the stronger the hold or punch of the attacker, the more painful your attack to the pressure point will be. That is because of the fact that the nerves will be stretched.

Let's show this in a short video: I use pressure point LU-8 here.
When someone just holds you bij the wrist, you do not have to react. There is no aggression in that particular hand, the danger might come from the other hand. If that same person would grab you hard on the wrist, now you can easily use pressure points to get out of the grip in a relaxed and "friendly" manner.

The same goes for attacks with Atemi-Waza. When the attacker comes in with a soft punch, he will feel a "block" (read attack) to pressure points. But when he comes in with a true hard punch, the impact of the "block" will be a lot harder! The defender uses the same effort, but the harder the attack the more impact on the pressure points there will be.

Only a real attack leads to a real defence

It actually goes for all attacks in martial arts. Let's give an example:

When your partner attacks you with a punch tot the chin, you truly want to hit the chin every time! Even after practicing the same punch 20 times. You often see the hand stops just in front of the face, or that the strike is next to the face after a couple of times. As from that moment, the attack is not realistic anymore and you will not learn from it anymore.

I hope this is helpful in your mindset as an attacker. In my next blog I will write about how to attack a pressure point.

June 01, 2017

2. Do you believe in pressure points?

After the introduction, I would like to by saying that I am very much aware of the fact that there are people who truly believe in everything about pressure points in the martial arts. But there are also a lot of very skeptic people.

That is great! It is a very healthy balance that will keep the believers sharp and down to earth. For the non-believers with an open mind, the blog can be interesting and lift their martial art to a higher level.

When you read about pressure points in the martial art, you read about the various meridians with their elements, Yin/Yang, different stances, sounds, times, knock-outs, etc. This is a true study, maybe hard to learn and understand as it all is about internal processes.

I will do my very best to provide the information that I find interesting in such an order that you will be able to learn and implement pressure points in your martial art. You will notice that many pressure points will work for you, Why? It is because or the fact that pressure points are connected via the nerves system and spinal cord to the brain.

So I hope that to whatever category you belong to, you will keep an open mind;  use the information that you are interested in and leave the information that you are not interested in be. Who knows maybe someday, that information will become of value to you too.

The pressure point in this video is shown slow, but should be hit fast and short. Look at the eyes of Kasper.

The scope of this blog is to show how pressure points can be used in the martial arts, in reflexes, locks, take-downs. etc.

Enjoy your day, I hope to see you back in my next blog, where I will explain the importance of a good attack.

We cannot be held responsible for injuries caused by practicing the techniques shown in the videos!
So, be very careful when practicing the techniques!
Respect the danger of locks and pressure points.
Only practice these techniques with 
an authorized teacher or school (despite of the martial art)